5 Simple Steps to Reset Your Year
There's no denying this year hasn't gone the way we all hoped. While most of us have been home for the last few months, it's kind of been a blur. To be 100% honest, I've had a heck of a time keeping up with my business goals, my personal goals, all of it.
It's time for a reset!
If you're feeling like you're ready for a reset, here are 5 things that will help get you back on track and help you finish this year strong!
1. Reset your mind
You already have everything you need in you and your mind is your greatest asset. Start each morning by doing some mindset work. I do this every morning in my 90 Days of Purpose Journal. (You can check out my entire morning mindset routine here).
2. Give your health a reset
Remember that your health is spiritual, mental, and physical. Spend some time thinking about how you've been nurturing each of those areas and if there are some parts of your health that you've neglected, how can you reverse that?
My favorite ways to get my health back on track:
Morning routine
CBD oil every morning and night. My go-to brand is Hulsa
Track my water intake in my Purposeful Planner
Start my morning with my supplements (see my favs here)
Drink my Organifi Greens (use code CORIE to save 15%)
Go for a 3 mile walk or ride my Peloton
Plan my meals for the week. I recently signed up for Your Dinner is Planned and it has changed our dinner life! Like seriously. The menus are delicious and different every week and it comes with a grocery checklist! Boom. No more complaining from the kids about having the same thing over and over!
3. Reset your goals
It doesn't matter what month of the year we're in right now. Start over. Start something new. Rediscover your purpose and your passions. They may have even changed a bit over the last few months. I know mine have for sure!
Since the first half of the year was a bust, we decided to create three new mid-year products. They're all printable and ready to be downloaded now so you can print them at home or at a local print shop and start using them right away.
CLICK HERE to see the 20-21 mid year planners and wall calendar
Plus, I'm offering my 2020 Purposeful Year Workshop at over 80% off!! Click here to grab the two hour training + workbook now.
4. Reset your home
There's nothing more freeing than doing a good old fashioned declutter sesh. Like I always say, Physical clutter equals mental clutter! Set a timer for 15 minutes and clean out a closet or cabinet... anything that's been weighing on your mind.
Remember, you don't have to get all Marie Kondo to get rid of things. Why complicate something when you're trying to simplify?! If you need some help in decluttering, grab my free decluttering tips here. Or, join us inside the Simplicity Society and finally get your life back! JOIN HERE
5. Reset your expectations
Most importantly, I want you to remember to give yourself some grace. NONE of us have ever been through what we just went through this year! I've gone from "I'm going to come out of this quarantine better and stronger!" to "Screw it, let's just eat all of our feelings!"
If you've let things slide and are beating yourself up over it, it's time to stop that. You are worthy of living a big beautiful life! You are worthy of chasing your dreams and being happy. Let today be the day that you hit that reset button!