Back to School Prep for the Mompreneur
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As much as I do NOT want summer to come to an end, there's just something about prepping for Back to School that gets my little organizational heart pumping. I LOVE buying school supplies (even if they aren't for the kids 😉), purging everything in the house, meal planning and prepping, and basically anything that will make me feel like I'm winning in the Mom department!
But here's the deal, sister.
I have A LOT on my plate and I know you do too. Running this business is a full time job. And taking care of the kids is a full time job. And being a wife, and a friend, and a woman is more than a full time job. I get you. I KNOW you're coming here for a little help because you are about to lose your ever. loving. mind!
So here's the plan. And I'm keeping it simple because that is how I roll. No Marie Kondo up in here. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Mompreneur Back to School Prep
1. I'm getting rid of #allthethings. All of them. If we don't sit on it, sleep on it, wear it, or eat it, it's out the door. The less I have to "deal with" the better! Grab a box or bag or whatever you can and just start tossing! And if you want to join me and my other decluttering boss babes, you can snag my Ultimate Declutter System here! (Or if you need to simplify your entire life grab my book here!)
2. I'm doing all of my Back to School Shopping on Amazon! Why in the world would you want to walk the aisles of your favorite store while three thousand other people are? I'll visit Target when alllll the kids are back in school, thank you very much! Amazon even has it all in one pretty little place for you right here.
3. I'm meal prepping and planning like a beast!! There's nothing better than a stocked fridge and pantry... except a stocked freezer that is ready to provide your dinner in an instant! And I'm not talking frozen dinners from the grocery store 🤮 My friend Erin is the QUEEN 🐝 of freezer cooking and gives you step by step instructions, menus, and shopping lists so you don't even have to think. Yes, please!
Check out MyFreezEasy here
Check out Erin's FREE Freezer Cooking 101 Online Workshop
4. I'm keeping myself #1. Listen, mama. If you're not taking care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of your kiddos. Move your body every day. Even if it's for just 15 minutes. Drink your water. Read a book. If nothing else, at least get a morning routine down. You can see mine right here. It's changed my life!
5. I'm turning back into a planning machine. I pretty much turn into a pumpkin over summer. Clock strikes midnight on the last day of school and I'm out. But now it's time to get all our ducks in a row and get back to planning. You can see how I plan my day as a work from home mom here. Obviously I use the Purposeful Planner 😂
And that's it my friend! Five super simple things that I know will set YOU up for a win this school year!
What are some of your favorite back to school prep activities?