Purpose Challenge - Strategic Action
Ep 67: Purpose Challenge - Strategic Action
This week, I'm inviting you to join us in my brand new Purpose Challenge!
Tune in to day three of the challenge!
Today, we discussed how to take strategic action with a vision and values.
Doors to the Purpose Babe Society are opening soon! CLICK HERE to get on the waitlist!
If you know deep down inside you're called to something more. Something bigger than yourself...
But you just aren't sure how to tap into that or how to walk it out in authority, this is for you!
Now, more than ever, the world needs more women standing up in the authority God has given them. To use their gifts and talents to further the Kingdom and bring glory to God!
You were created ON PURPOSE for a PURPOSE and I want you to not only find that, but to step into it unapologetically.
Join the free challenge here: corieclark.com/challenge