Hey friend! I'm Corie and I'm so glad you're here!

It was the spring of 2006 when I found myself splayed out on the floor of my four-year-old daughter’s bedroom, crying out to God for more. It wasn’t more things or more money that I wanted in my life, but more of Jesus Himself to fill in the gaps of the purpose-shaped hole in my heart.

Chasing the American Dream had turned out to be nothing but an endless sprint on a hamster wheel bound for nowhere;

an unattainable quest that had left me exhausted and drained. I had so much, yet I was so empty.

My husband, Ryan, and I met in high school and married at the ripe ol’ age of nineteen. We joined hands and trotted off together toward the land of Supposed To. We bought a house and filled it with three babies, just like we were Supposed To Do. We loved our growing family and worked hard to provide Everything We Were Supposed To Have. We had All The Things, but those things came with unsatisfied expectations. We knew it wasn’t the acquisition of things that we were created for, but for so much more. We needed purpose, and this realization sent me to my knees on my daughter’s bedroom floor that morning in 2006. We needed to get out of the land of Supposed To.

My Come to Jesus moment set me off on a seven-year Tug-o-War for more. More work. More play. More Jesus. More More More. As I would gain ground in one area, I’d lose it in another as something would pull me away from what I was accomplishing. Wasn’t this what God wanted for me? What He’d created me to do? Why, then, wasn’t everything falling into place as it should?

Because it was me who had a hold of the rope. And until I handed that rope over to God, things were not going to change.

In 2013, my daughter and I attended a Christian Women’s conference. It was a life-giving, encouraging, and inspiring experience. It was there that I finally realized my life was not my own and neither was it’s vision. I had found my purpose: to let go of the rope and follow God’s lead wherever it took me.

As I started to pursue my purpose, I realized that my chaotic life wasn’t leaving much space to pursue the things God placed on my heart. Thus, the Simplicity Project was born! I gave my life a complete overhaul and wrote a book about it.

One thing led to another and I ended up with a bestselling planner, The Purposeful Planner, courses, memberships, a podcast, and so much more. It’s amazing what can happen when you create some margin in your life and let God take control.

I believe that each and every person was created for a specific purpose. Recognizing that is the easy part; it’s the living it out that gets tricky. Even today, I know I don’t have all the answers and I don’t need to, because I no longer dwell in the land of Supposed To. I still have a family to care for, laundry to wash, children to educate, a husband to love, friendships to nurture, and a church family to serve…but understanding my role as a Christ-follower has made all the difference, giving me purpose beyond what I could ever create for myself.

If you’re ready to join me in living a life of purpose or even turning that purpose into a profitable business, let’s go!

I have several opportunities for you to work with me below




and you can turn that PURPOSE into a PROFITABLE BUSINESS

that furthers THE KINGDOM!


Corie shares how she lives a life of purpose. Talking all things faith, life, business, health, and more.


Shop the Purposeful Planner, Prayer Journal & other tools to help you live on purpose.


Each week, Corie will bring you practical advice to help you live your life, and grow your business, on purpose.


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Corie Clark is a personal brand expert, the author of the Simplicity Project, creator of The Purposeful Planner, and podcast host of “Purpose with Corie Clark.”

Corie is passionate about helping women discover their God-given purpose and turn it into a life and business they love. She helps purpose-driven women uplevel their personal brand to a six and seven figure business through her Purposeful Influence community.

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